Our Lovely World

Reflections, Blessings & Gratitude

Hopman Cup: Scoring – and the Ball Trophy Bounces Back!

I didn’t get to attend the 2018 Hopman Cup in Perth this year.  I tend to address or call the Hopman Cup by the year in which the Final occurs, so this year’s Hopman Cup started on Saturday 30 December 2017 but finished on 6 January 2018 the current year.  I must confess that I find it easiest for me to refer to it thus as the 2018 Hopman Cup.

Many others refer to it as the 2017 Hopman Cup and the fact that this tournament may span 2 consecutive years can cause confusion.   If you want to get technical, the tournament that just passed is really the 2017 / 2018 Hopman Cup.


To my great surprise, I noted on television and on the tournament’s website, that in 2018, the winners were awarded silver balls as their individual trophies!   I puzzled “what happened to the tennis racquet trophies?”  I loved those trophies along with the jewellery that was also awarded to the winners –  see  THIS  post for more information.  I know from the Solid Gold website, that these tennis racquet trophies are valued at $26,000 each.

These new individual trophies were first commissioned from Solid Gold Jewellers in 2014.  My research has found that these tennis racquet trophies were awarded to Hopman Cup winners where the tournaments finished in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Getting back to the wonderful diamond studded sterling silver balls, made to the real-life size of a tennis ball, the trophies are made of sterling silver, 18 carat yellow gold, and encrusted with over 200 diamonds and are jointly donated by Brinkhaus Jewellers and Argyle Diamonds.

Doris Brinkhaus of Brinkhaus Jewellers says about the prestigious gorgeous diamond encrusted silver balls.

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